Friday, 8 July 2011

Sweet pea's Teas

I've just completed my first post-university freelance job - creating a website/blog for a wonderful company called Sweet Pea's English Teas.

So many people said I was crazy for purchasing my pink caravan, but it was the owner of the business' interest in my candy coloured camper that led to the website job.

Speaking of which, I've spent the last few weeks painting it, sourcing decor and sewing Cath Kidston curtains, it looks truly amazing! I'll upload the pics soon.

Meanwhile, you can check out the Sweet Pea's website here


bettybuttons said...

That website looks great, I am officially in love with tea sets!! ha ha!! They are stunning. A pink caravan sounds amazing and any cause for decoration calls for a bit of cath kidston. Have a great weekend. BB x

lulubelle said...

Thanks! Me too I'm a tea set addict, the website was right up my street xx